Sunday, March 3, 2013

Get to Know CMT!

 Each week we will highlight a different member of CMT. This week we would like for you to meet our President!

Lauren Lock

Position: Chapter President

Born: Little Rock, AR

From: West Chester, PA

Major: History, Pre-Law

Minor: Women Studies

Dream Job: If I could do anything I would be a Spy for the CIA

Favorite Movie/TV Show: Pitch Perfect/Law & Order: SVU

Favorite Food: Chinese

What song is currently on repeat on your iPod?: Treasure by Bruno Mars or I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston

Favorite Greek Event: Homecoming Dance Competition

What made you want to run for this CMT position?: As a member of the Beta Psi chapter I felt that Delta Gamma had given me so much and I wanted to give back. The only thing I could think of that would allow me to give DG my all would be running for president. I wanted to serve our chapter because the women of Beta Psi deserve a leader that will give them their 100%, and will work as hard to make DG the best! I love my sisters and I honestly do not know where I would be without them. A favorite quote of mine is, "I fear I'd be lost at sea if it weren't for my anchor, DG."

Fun Fact about yourself: I can moonwalk, BUT only when Michael Jackson is playing!! :)

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